Strategy 3: Search

Search Based Conversion Strategies

Conversions from search based channels can by their nature be the most valuable source of business, simply because those searching have a defined need and are looking for a solution. Zipstripe search strategies offer:

  • Campaign optimizations by factors including budget, location, demographics
  • Insights into consumer behaviours through clickthroughs, tracking, A/B testing
  • Message testing with defined cohorts, prior to extensive budget commitments
  • Targeting opportunities by geography, proximity, gender, age, and interests
  • Remarketing capabilities for ongoing top-of-mind recall
Search intent based prospects are ready to buy, to commit, to take action. Search strategies form the backbone of conversion optimizations involve proper structuring by Zipstripe personnel, that includes a Google certified Online Marketing expert.

Google Partner Certification Adwords Search

Optimize Search Strategies to Qualify Prospects

Conversion strategies in development of ad creative, validations and calls-to-action must leverage the nuances of search strategies in order to properly take advantage of this intent based channel. For instance, incoming search volumes must be qualified by client attributes as well as use optimized targeting models, in order to deliver effective conversion traffic within an acceptable cost per acquisition.

Ecosystem of Search Based Conversions

Search based marketing follows two paths, which are both interrelated and interdependent, starting with either the ads and/or the organic content links that are determined as relevant to search results. Specifically, search engine based marketing (SEM) connects digital ad campaigns with the organic content strategy on an ad’s website destination or landing page. The content on relevant landing pages therefore does double duty in extending a brand’s digital footprint by way of search engine optimization (SEO), as well as forming the basis for the quality score (QS) of SEM campaigns.

In the latter respect, generally a higher QS due to better and more relevant content can result in lower ad bidding costs because of higher resulting engagement rates. Accordingly, the appropriate search strategy must not exist in a vacuum or be siloed, else proper optimization techniques with crossover or combining conversions strategies to enhance ROI and conversion opportunities cannot be effected.

Strategic Search Campaigns Increase Conversions

Zipstripe both optimizes search campaigns and landing page content, as well as analyzes the campaigns of the competition, all to formulate a cost effective search-based strategy. With this groundwork and iterative process to determining optimal search strategies that work, a fine-tuned strategy that maximizes ROI will be effected. Search strategies optimized through proper analytics strategies are structured by Zipstripe, with a certified Google Adwords search marketing expert.

Where We Are Located

Serving the Province of Ontario and State of New York, our head office is located just above Toronto.

Suite 201, 690 Rowntree Dairy Road, Vaughan, ON



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